Saturday, June 27, 2009

Aubrey Doujin Page 1

lol, I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up tonight and Aubrey was standing over me with a hack saw. Nope not surprised at all. The best kind of prize is a sur-prize! I imagined if Aubrey was really getting raped, her underwear would have the cutest shit ever. Then most likly the rapist would wonder if shes really over 18. Doubt would fill his mind and he would probably just be so sickened by himself that he wouldn't be able to rape her and just apologize. LOL

On a lighter note, Alex is gay and made the Xbox 360 three ring on purpose. Thanks Alex, you have the best ideas ever.


  1. that naruto giving someone a blowjob on the poster?

  2. I approve of this... but you know, what goes around comes around. And often comes in your face.

  3. There's no tears, she's obviously enjoying it.

  4. aubrey is going to come in my face Jordan? wut?


  5. Don't you remeber? At a recent party Aubery announced to the group that she had a Penis and that Jordan wasn't playing with it lol
