Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Anime Reviews

Cause I was too tired before to post a review, here we go. Some of the recent animes I have been watching....

Nabari No Ou

This anime is a fat fan girl's wet dream. Never dreamt I would being so angry watching a season of this shit. Basically, its about ninja in the modern world. A kid named Miharu, who isn't a ninja, gets a super duper awesome technique called the Shinrabanshou, which can basically do anything. Bad guys want the Shinrabanshou of course, and the good ninjas want to protect it and not use it, so there is your shitty plot. Half way through the series, they change the plot from trying to gain control over the technique to a boys love series. Secondary main character, named Yoite, wishes that he doesn't exist anymore because he has a dramatic past. Miharu agrees to grant his wish but then becomes too chicken at the end of the series, awesome right? The onyl good thing about this series is the pretty watercolor backgrounds. Every other episode there was a shitty plot twist, every character was generic as fuck, and the series couldn't stay on plot to kill itself. There is like, a bazillion characters, and they are all eighteen year old pretty boys who have emo pasts. It was a complete and utter disappointment. Thinking about this series makes me not feel as half bad about watching all of Tenjho Tenge.

Art: 3/10
Characters: 2/10
Story: 1/10
Overall shitiness: Shit

1 comment:

  1. You should only feel bad about watching Tenjho Tenge if you read the entire Manga. Because it's awesome.
