Friday, September 24, 2010

PAX + Anime Reviews

Pax 2010

It was an odd trip to say the least. The flight and all was great, and the public transportation there is to die for. I loved the Light Link Train to death. It made the hassle of getting from the airport to Downtown Seattle a breeze. We got to the hotel in about 40 mins, which wasn't too bad. The hotel we stayed at, The Silver Cloud Inn, was cozy. A little bit far from the main convention center, but still in walking distance. The area we were in, was HIPSTER TOWN USA. I guess the college is down the block, so there were a bunch of women dressed up as Ramona. Not literally, but, most of the women walking around in that area had dyed blue hair. Luckily, everything in that area had a great selection of fairly cheap restaurants. Dear god, the food. I would of been fine coming to PAX and not setting a foot into the convention hall. The food we ate on the trip was delicious, I would go to Seattle again just to eat the food. lol Now onto the real review PAX.

I felt like I was out of place at the con. The con is basically "STAND IN LINE TO PLAY A DEMO" con. I couldn't explain PAX any better then this. Should of just been named "Line Con 2010". I personally don't give a shit about playing a demo of a game that will be coming out in a year. Also, waiting three hours to play the demo is also a little bit off putting. Duke Nukem and all his glory was there. About a 3 hour wait to hold Duke's dick and then pee. But hey, we got a big bottle of mints that say steroids, so its cool man. Guild Wars II had a huge booth that was near impossible to get into. Disney had a huge booth trying to promote Epic Mickey. I, of course, was very intrigued. They had character artists drawing you or the Disney character of your choice. Pretty sweet right? Too bad the line was about a 2 hour wait. Fun. Another dissapoint, I played Epic Mickey. Why was it a disappointment? Well, Epic Mickey has this beautiful art designs, and great scenery, great everything. And then you play it on a big screen....and notice very fast that this game looks somewhat outdated because of the Wii. So after seeing all this great concept art, it was a big let down. Of course I will be playing it when it comes out, but some enthusiasm would have been lost.

Cosplay Time at PAX. Can I say, awesome?! I start off by saying that PAX attendees do not cosplay, but they love it. I have never gotten so many pictures of my cosplay before when most of the people who were taking the picture, didn't even know who I was cosplaying. Don't know how to explain it really, but it felt like the attendees were estatic about the cosplayers. Every few people I passed gave me a compliment on my costume, it was kind of nice to experience that.

Overall, to me, PAX isn't my cup of tea. I do however love Seattle and all its glory. I don't know if I would be going to it again, or just Sakura-con. But Alex and Adrian loved it, so there's a high possibility to go again.


Right now, ALA is a maybe. Its far enough in advance to get ready for and there are a whole bunch of people I know going. Right now I'm a maybe for the con. Next few days I might give my total decision though.

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